Nina and Dina got settled into their new house and got new clothes & hairstyles & makeup, you can really tell they are twins now.

It didn't take long for them to get company...Steve hadn't met Nina before but they hit it right off...

Steve dosen't waste time...

Well, it looks like Sam found Nina & Dinas new house with Steves directions...

Sam finally got to meet Dina, since they are both fortune sims they hit it off very well...

Sam dosen't waste time either...

Will Sam ditch Lucy now that he has met Dina...

Sissy Mason becomes a young adult, she was really happy her mom (Alberta Broke) was willing to take her to Uni, she hadn't had much contact with her mom in years. Sissy understood why though cause Steve had explained it all to her - about Alberta and Joseph having an affair.

After her mom left and she picked her room...she had only one thing on her mind and made a booty call to...


Lucas really likes the young adult changes to her body...

They really enjoyed breaking in the hottub...(usually the dormies do that)

Lucas hasn't told Sissy about Sally forgiving him, or about Sarah, what the sisters don't know - they can't bitch about...

Sissy was sad that Lucas couldn't stay longer but kissed him goodbye without fuss...She had a term paper and assignments to work on anyway...

next chapter - Sarah Mason...