Marcus Brokes house.
Marcus Broke and Josie King decided to break in the sofa before doing anything else...

Then they got married, Marcus decided against having a wedding party (I think he was worried about his brothers getting to close to Josie)

3 bolters are so cute...

They both wanted to gain a skill.

of course afterwards they decided to try out the bed. sweet...almost too sweet...

Josie is now pregnant, hit the wrong key and didn't get a picture of her almost tossing her cookies, I'm sure you don't mind missing that *laughs*
Kelly Lothario-Mason-Sharp found a house...
Kelly managed to find a nice little house.

She settled in fairly quickly.

Then Charlie Broke showed up...

They played darts and chatted...

and became better friends... and Kelly didn't try to argue with him...

ahhhhh... They seem to like each other...

heh, Kelly has 3 bolts for Charlie, she only had 2 for Marcus...I guess she likes romance guys better then family guys...should be interesting...

They talked and they danced and then...

they got fall in love and watch tv... ?

Oooops, they weren't watching tv...move along nothing to see here...

Charlie left late that night.

*dies laughing* Oh sorry, Looks like Kelly got caught by ACR's risky woohoo *dies laughing again*

New girls house. (and we all get to pretend it's a different moving in day since sims can be in 2 places at once)
Meet Ria Roxs, she had lived a very sheltered life, never had a boyfriend or any friends...she was home-schooled by her mom and taught only what her father allowed, she wasn't allowed to go to Uni or get a job. Then her mom died and her life changed... Her father quickly got himself a new very young wife and he threw Ria out...

Her mom had given her a locked box a few days before her death, told her to open it in a time of need and to Never tell her father about it... With nowhere to live and no money or job...Ria opened the box an discovered a key, some money and a note...The note explained that the key was to a house in Pleasantview and that there was enough money to set herself up in business selling the flowers and toys that Ria loved to craft...
Ria loved the house from the first moment she saw it.

A few hours after getting settled in, Ria was surprised to hear the doorbell ring, it was a few neighbors wanting to welcome her to Pleasantview...
Ria thought Charlie Broke was quite nice and very good looking...

Ria thought Josie Broke was very nice and at first she thought Charlie and Josie were married but Josie explained that Charlie was her brother-in-law.

Ria didn't catch the other guys name, he was very strange...she was glad he didn't stay very long...Josie said afterwards that he was some random townie and to not worry about him.
A few hours later Josie left, said she had some stuff she needed to do.

Charlie stayed...They hung out for a few hours and Ria invited him to stay for supper.

After they finished eating she washed up the dishes and turned to discover Charlie was watching her...

Next thing she knew...they were both naked and she was in Charlies arms on the sofa...

She certainly never expected what happened after that...

Charlie left a short time later...after telling her he wanted to woohoo her again... Ria didn't know what to think, her mom had never told her anything about woohoo!

All she could think about was Charlie... (heh, she has 3 bolts of him too)

Ria did buy a business Lot and get a store all setup but I forgot to take pics *sigh*
next chapter... well I hope to get another sim or two moved into the hood...