(changed skintones to Enaylas newer Pixie ones that are less shiny)
Sarah Lothario-Mason got rid of the hat and changed her clothes (again)

Honey Broke changed her hair and clothes also.

Steve Broke is still shirtless ;)

The family does alot together and all get along really well, so far atleast *laughs*

a closer look at Steve ;D

Kamil became a teen!

and a short time later, his twin brother Keegan also grew up!

The twins like to do stuff together. Kamil rolled Pleasure and Keegan rolled Popularity (which works rather well since Kamil has only 2 nice points and Keegan has 10, both have 10 outgoing)

Honey decided Kamil needed to learn some games...

She didn't forget Keegan also needed to learn them *laughs* (as a reminder - Honey is not related to the twins)

Steve decided they needed some wall decorations...

and he finally remembered to get the old family pictures out of storage!

Steve tried to talk to Sissy for awhile but Sarah and Honey kept trying to get his attention.

Steve took Sarah upstairs so Honey listened to her mp3 player (she just looks so happy in this pic)

She really got into it *laughs*

Kamil and Keegan both had homework and enjoyed the show while doing it *laughs*

Marcus didn't have homework and was allowed to invite Kelly over.

they had fun...

Marcus is doing a good job at keeping Kelly thinking about only him...

Whatever she said got everyones attention... (and it was actually good!)

Steve still thinks Kelly is hot...of course *laughs* thankfully he didn't try anything with her or her with him, I'm not sure how Marcus would have reacted.

next chapter, Sams house again and maybe Sissys.