After the cops left, Sam was left to figure out what to do about a new babysitter...
He decided to see if Dina and Nina would move in, then he could spend more time with them and his twins. Dina and Nina were quite happy to accept. They all decided that Dina would keep her job and Nina could watch the kids when Sam and Dina were both working.

Honey happened to stop over and spent a short time playing chess with Nina.

Then Sam talked her into dancing with him.

Things were really starting to heat up between them... to bad Sam had to go to work, Honey left shortly afterwards.

After returning from work, Sam spent some time with the kids

Jack did some showing off

Joffrey spent some time playing chess with Nina.

Jack then played red hands with Dina.

Then Sam danced with Joffrey and Nina danced with Jack.

Nina decided to clean a

Sam and Nina decided to have some fun together. Sam gets to have his cake and eat it too...

ahhh...yes, thats why she was cleaning the toliet earlier... thankfully she isn't as lazy as Dina.

So Nina, whos the daddy?

Next chapter will be more of whats happening at Sams house, still have a day to play there before going on to the next one. Sams house also needs a makeover.
I got tired of my tattooed skintones and removed them so Honey and maybe some of the kids will look alittle different next time.
Due to company coming and Thanksgiving next week, I'm not sure just how much time I will have for playing and updating. So there may be another delay *sigh*