After some problems that required staying at a motel, Sally, Lucas, Sissy and baby Kelly return home. A short time later, a welcoming committee showed up...
Lucas welcomed them while Sally was upstairs on the balcony looking through the telescope...guess she should have been looking closer to home because Lucy Burb seems to really like Lucas...

and Lucas appears to really like her... Nina plays chess with Adrienne Broke, they are the other two in the welcoming party. In the dining room Sissy plays the piano, she has gotten very good at it, she finally wants to go to Uni and is almost old enough. Lucas has no idea where his wife is except that she is not in the room with him and the lady guests...and decided to take advantage of that...

Lucas said goodbye to Lucy and Adrienne, he really didn't want to get caught with Lucy by Sally. He also wanted to get to know Nina alittle better before she left...

Lucas decided he likes Nina even more then Lucy...

Sissy was then scared by Joseph...guess he is in a mood tonight...

Lucas sent Nina on her way because he heard something and thought Sally was coming. He figured he would grab a book and make it look like he was just reading quietly... Joseph then decided to scare him...

Screams make it clear that Sally is now downstairs, Joseph is really in a pissy mood...

well, well, well...a surprise for Sally & Lucas (and me!)

Meanwhile...At Sam Brokes new home...a welcoming party arrives...
damn it Nina! For some reason Sam and Nina decided to kiss...for the first time...right in front of his wife... (I had to look at his memories to find out what caused this!)

The next day, Sam goes off to work, he is doing very well at his job atleast...

Susan has no plans to forgive Sam and Nina for awhile...if ever (some forgive, some don't)

Meanwhile at Lucy Burbs house, she really needed new clothes and after getting all sorted out with them she heard the phone ringing...It was Lucas... group outing? sure that sounds good and safe since his wife will probably be along...
So they went Downtown...and a pillow fight breaks out between Lucy and Lucas right after they get to the Crypt...

damn it Nina!!!! not again!! Sally catches Lucas doing something with Nina and boy is she pissed...

Lucy gets to know Sam Broke while dancing with him. Sam and Adrienne Broke and Nina are also part of the group.

Nina tried getting Lucas to have some fun in the photobooth but he kicked her out...twice...maybe there is hope for him and Sally...
Nina then decided to ask Sam...judging by the smile on his face...he had a really great time...

Lucy decided to leave the group and after she returned home she wanted to invite Sam over...since it wasn't to late she called and invited him...he was happy to hear from her and came right over...and started flirting with her right after she greeted him...

she didn't mind...

They danced for awhile...

and I guessed the dancing stirred up their blood...

The next day she wanted to invite Lucas over and he started flirting with her right after they entered her house...maybe she should have gotten dressed first...

oh dear...I guessed Lucas really does like Lucy...they didn't even make it to the bed...they really enjoyed woohooing on the futon...

next chapter...we will see...I will have to start really playing Lucy now and do something with Nina and her sister Dina and maybe Dirk Dreamer. We will start with Steve though.