Sarah: I hate getting sick, hope it's not the flu...

Sarah: Well that house sounds like it was made for me, now if I can just get my money that dad left me out of Sally. I think I better go talk to Uncle Bobby.

After changing her clothes to something her Uncle wouldn't bitch about, Sarah went next door and asked her Uncle Bobby for help.
Bobby Broke: No problem Sarah, your sister can't keep your money from you. I'll call the bank and get everything sorted out for you and get things rolling on that house you want.

Sarah: It's so hard to keep my hands off Steve when he is looking at me like that but we can't let anyone find out about us.

Once she returned home, Sarah changed back into her pjs, her stomach was still bothering her and she wanted to be more comfortable, she then had to run for the bathroom...
Sarah: yuck! maybe it's nerves! Sally keeps giving me dirty looks and Lucas keeps looking at me like he wants me real bad, not that I mind but Sally will blame me if she catchs him.

Sarah: maybe if I lay down for awhile my stomach will settle down...

Sarah: I really don't need this right now...
Sally: blah blah blah blah!!! And Put Some Damn Clothes On!!!

Sarah: I'm out of here!

Sarah: Thank goodness Uncle Bobby got everything sorted out for me so quickly, signing the papers took only a few minutes and now this house is all mine!!

Sarah: oh goddess, not again! What on earth is wrong with me?

Sarah: Oh!!! well that explains it... I hope Steve isn't turned off... I better call him... please o please don't let him be turned off!!

Steve: Nice entranceway, perfect spot for this loveseat and the perfect place to show you how much I care... you can show me the rest of the house later...

Steve: I love these big windows but you really ought to get some curtains so no one sees us.
Sarah: well I'm abit short on cash right now and I won't be able to get a job till after the babys born.
Steve: I'll give you some money to tide you over till you can work and if it's my kid then I'll support it so don't worry about that. Besides I'd rather you didn't work so I can see you more often.

Sarah: your kid? but...
Steve: *laughs* you didn't think of that did you...
Sarah: never crossed my mind...but...
Steve: *laughs* well don't worry about it now and if it turns out to be Randys kid then I'll make sure he supports it! I'm gonna have to get going now or the familys gonna start wondering what I'm up to on these "walks"

Steve: Sweet Dreams, my love!

The next day Sarah woke missing Steve but knew she couldn't call him, so she called Randy, she wondered how he would react...
Sarah: You are so hot Randy...

He reacted well...
Randy: nice entranceway, great loveseat...good place for can show me the house later!

In the next chapter we do alittle house hopping to see what some of the others are doing.