Steve and Sarah decided to try out the hot tub and they kicked Honey out...

No problem, Honey tried out her mp3 player (which I don't remember giving her)

a little later, Steve chatted with Honey while Sarah spent some time with Marcus in the hot tub...Did I mention he has the Hots for her?

Apparently he wasn't saving himself for marriage...

I guess Sarah likes handcuffs...

Steve got a new car, his hot rod was much to small for such a large family.

They annoyed me with the hot tub so I removed it, for now atleast.

Happy got some attention from Kamil before he had to leave for school.

Marcus flirted with Sarah as soon as he got home from school.

The other children returned home from school.

and the last 4 had homework, which they so nicely lined up outside. Once these 4 finished, it took care of "learn to study" for all 7 kids.

Then it was time for some fun and games.

I did say "fun and games" ...yes Marcus really needs to meet some teen girls...
The wallpaper is by Syera at BogSims Institute

House pictures! - not fully decorated yet but it's getting there!
The upstairs - the empty room is the game room, forgot to take another picture after adding the pinball machines and dart board and chess table.
Bathroom toliet/shower/sink recolors by Katt1367 - I got them at (I think, might have been at modthesims2, she had stuff at both sites) but I'm not sure if they are still there (she did a whole bunch of marble sets - including the Hot tub recolor seen earlier)

Desiree's bedroom, she is into the Bayfield men...

The boys bedroom, they have a few pictures of the beautiful Val Bayfield on the wall at the end of their beds.
The bedding (Quilts) all came from by MrsKeds and Persephone, I believe.

The downstairs... The white rabbit nursery set is by Takaya213 at

More of the downstairs...

Kitchen, wallpaper by Regina at BogSims Institute

The kitchen/diningroom areas - white (snowcloud) floor by Regina at BogSims Institute (go visit if you haven't already!)

Kitchen/diningroom area again at a different angle.

The garden, before I removed the hot tub. The white bench recolor is by alecrox12 at

The garden could not have been done like this without using the "move objects on" cheat. I never knew you could place flowers (and bushes) on top of each other to combine them!
I normally don't mention where I got custom content or who did it but I felt like it this time. I'm sure I didn't remember every recolor I used but that's life *laughs*
Next chapter: who knows? I don't *laughs* I'll be playing Sam Brokes house and then Sissy Masons so I'm sure to have some news on them.