alot of changes... starting with Sam Brokes Lot...
~reason for the changes are explained at the end~
Dina Caliente died.
Max became a teen.

Marcie became a teen.

Jack Broke became an adult.

Max became an adult.

Marcie became an adult.

Heather became a teen.

Heather became an adult.

I then made them all townies.
Now I find it interesting that when you make a playable a townie (I use INSIM to do it) their family (or whoever actually lives there) can then "greet them" (if done soon enough). The "new townie" will then pull a cake out of their ass and if your sim "greets" them again (for some reason the first time dosen't work) the "new townie" will then hand over the cake as a gift.

alot of changes... over at Sissy Masons Lot
Dirk Dreamer died.
Molly became a child.

Bianca became a teen.

Bianca became an adult.

Molly became a teen.

Molly became an adult.

Sissy got a new hairstyle.

I then made them all townies.
Kelly Lothario-Mason-Sharp went to Uni.
alot of changes... over at Steve Brokes Lot...
a stray dog decided to roll in their flowers (first time I got to see this, thankfully twojeffs "perfect plants" hack prevents damage to the flowers)
I thought the lamp post head was rather funny ;D

Sam Broke finally got abit of Honey *laughs* (Sam was summoned over and made part of the family)

~warning~get paper towels for drool Now!~
Keegan became an adult and was made into a townie.

Kamil became an adult and was made into a townie.

Desiree became a teen.

Desiree became an adult and was made into a townie.

Lance became a teen.

Lance became an adult and was made into a townie.

Rocco became a teen...o dear...

Rocco became an adult...who looked fine from the front but side view showed he was rather deformed...he died shortly afterwards.

Charlie became a teen.

Charlie became an adult and was then made into a townie.

Sam became a vampire (using InSIM) and was then made into a townie.

Steve became a vampire and was also made into a townie...(shocking isn't it! but hey he will be around for a very long time now!)

Sarah also became a vampire townie.

Honey became a vampire townie too.

I thought she looked rather cool in this pic ;D

Marcus Broke (Steves first born) has gone to Uni, where he will share a dorm with Kelly Lothario-Mason-Sharp.
~reason for all these changes~
Well what it comes down to is ~ I need a change but I don't want to start all over and lose Steve and everyone else. I had already planned on making most of the "kids" into townies as adults and decided to do it sooner rather then later. All of them can be brought back into play whenever I want. (all pets were put up for adoption so I can get them back too)
Steve, Sam, Sarah and Honey were made vampires because I wanted more vampires in the hood :D I'm looking forward to seeing what they do now. I wonder if they will bite any of the other townies (including their kids)
I've been wanting to add some new sims to my hood for awhile now but I kept putting it off. I've been stuck in a rut and I want to break out of it, theres things I still haven't done and currently I have no playable owned businesses, none of my sims have ever earned a badge or used a craft table...I've actually never even looked at them except in other peoples pictures.
As for this blog, well Marcus and Kelly will be put in a dorm soon (I'm trying to decide if I want to build a new one for them) and I will post an update on them when they finish Uni. I'm looking forward to seeing if they can get through Uni as a couple *laughs* but after that? I have no clue right now.
I will be rather busy making myself get out of this rut and putting some new sims through Uni and having them learn crafts and/or start businesses(when/if they can afford it) and whatnot. It's going to be an uphill battle to get out of this rut! specially since I also want to try to stop maxing motives and stuff constantly, like I do now.