Steve liked to start the day out right...

Steve then decided he needed to get out of the house for awhile.
He met some new ladys at The Crypt and did some dancing.

Played some cards out back and was quite pleased when Dina Caliente joined in.

After that he left and hit another place and spoke to a strange vampire guy.

Then he chatted with another vampire, this one was more his type ;)

They danced for awhile but then she had to leave.

So Steve headed out for another place. He chatted with his half-sister Sissy Mason for awhile but then some guy named Justin Kim or something like that was hitting on her so Steve went inside to check out the place.

While he was looking around he saw Sissy had also come inside and that guy was all over her. Steve wondered if Sissy realized the guy was married...

He returned home and took Sarah off to bed for some fun.
On a different day/night whatever it was.
Steve was out at yet another place when he spotted Nina Caliente and his brother Sam, he let Nina know he hadn't forgotten the good times they had shared...he did wonder if the kid was his or not but didn't think the timing was right.

Nina talked him into doing a little singing.

He enjoyed himself.

He went to another place for more dancing and came across Dina again, she could really move...maybe one day he would get around to seeing how she was in bed. A short time later (after Dina left) he decided to head home.

oddly enough, both times he was out, he had plenty of time and chances to woohoo with other ladys (both times his ACR timer was negative something long before he returned home) instead he choose to wait till he returned home and then took Sarah to bed right off. I guess he just wanted his favorite (Sarah is his "One" for those that use ACR)

Steve taught Kamil how to study while Keegan played with Kelly Lothario-Mason-Sharp.

Dancing is a important skill in this household and a great way to get fit and gain body skill points! (thanks to a nifty hack by syberspunk)

Steve also spent some time talking to Kamil about things he shouldn't do ;)

Next chapter, Honey gets to spend some time out of the house!