I changed my default skintones again, I've gone back to using Enayla's older skintones, they may be shiny but I still like them best, they are available at modthesims2.com
Steve Broke may not have hair on his chest anymore but he is still hot...Steve has just left Sarahs bedroom...

followed by Sarah... I shouldn't have to tell you what they were doing...

Honey wanted her share so Steve went from one bed to another...

and then it was joke time...and Honey put on the same shirt but in a different color...

Oh Look it's time to give the already clean toddlers a bath (and then I sold the tubs while awaiting twojeffs to update his new baby swarming hack - which he now has and it's available at MATY - it improves on JM Pescados nobabyharassment hack)

Marcie Caliente-Broke and Bianca Mason-Sharp came for a visit after school and stayed for a long time...

The children all had fun playing.

Steve tried out his new mp3 player...I think he likes it ;D

Then 3 toddlers became children!

Marcie and Max Caliente-Broke and Kelly and Bianca Mason-Sharp all came to visit...
All 10 children had a really great time.

While the children were outside playing (except for poor little Charlie Broke left playing with his rabbit head in the livingroom) The adults hung out in Honeys bedroom...like they usually do...

The 6 children spent some time dancing.

Then Marcus Broke decided to grow up...He is all about Family...and has the Hots for Sarah...he needs to meet some teen girls...

and Charlie Broke became a child!

Moving Day!!!!!!!! neighborhood picture of the new house!

Everybody out front, They also now have 1 dog and 2 cats! 1 of the cats was the first one to enter the house *laughs*

Steve likes his new dog - her name is Happy

Skitty stopped running around long enough to get some attention.

Shadow was too busy checking out the kitchen...

a closer picture of Happy (I don't care if her ears look silly, I think she is adorable! Her "breed" is from a mixed bred dog I had in my test hood, I loved his build and ears and registered him so I could make Steve's dog from that "breed")

cuteness :D

The front door and the entrance to the nursery (which is thankfully empty of babys)
- Wallpaper is by Regina and is available at BogSims Institute http://www.springhole.net/bogsims/
Sarah is in her bathing suit because she has already found the hot tub.

continued in the next chapter