Steve really liked Adriennes new dress and asked her to dance with him so she could see how it was for dancing in...he couldn't help noticing she wasn't wearing a bra...

Steve started wishing no one else was home cause she sure could move...

Bobby and Alberta had alittle fun on the sofa (not a picture you want to see) and then Bobby told Alberta that he thought she was still really hot...

Steve just loves his son Marcus.

He also enjoys trying to get Honey pregnant again, he is pretty sure she is doing something to prevent that from happening though...she has made it plain she dosen't want any more kids but he is gonna try his best to knock her up anyway, his dad wants lots of grandkids...

He knows just how keep her coming back for more...

Thankfully no one walked by, he would have to make sure the hedges get put in soon...
Steve loved the fact that Honey was so much fun to fool around with, any where, any time and any place as long as it was fun, she was into it.

Steve took off before lunch and didn't return untill just before 6, just in time to help Marcus grow up. He didn't explain where he had been for so long but then Steve dosen't explain himself to anyone.

Marcus thinks his dad is the greatest.

Steve made sure Marcus was potty trained

and taught him to talk

and taught him to walk

Steve finally figured out how to get his dad to let him breakup with Honey (something they both wanted) He told his dad about Honey not wanting any more kids and that he wanted alot of them (well he wanted to try making alot of them so it wasn't a total lie) after a long discussion Bobby finally agreed that it was best if they did breakup but that Honey could continue to live with them if she wanted to, to be near Marcus, for awhile atleast.

Alberta agreed after she got off the phone.

Honey was very happy when Steve told her, they broke up right then and there and both felt such joy at being free again... Steve couldn't help but think about how happy Sarah would be for him, he looked forward to telling her...

Everyone got into the mood to dance, even Marcus
awwwwwwwwwwww...he is so cute!

Next chapter we see what the Masons are up to...