Sam got really tired of listening to Susan bitch at him and finally went off on her...

He broke up with her and told her to get out of his sight and that he never wanted to see her face again!

She left...and he never saw her again...

He regreted his words after she left but he had the kids to think about, little Jack was upset from all the yelling and it took awhile to calm him down. He was getting ready to call his mom about watching the kids till he could set up a babysitter when...

he heard the doorbell and looked out to see Lucy Burb. He set Jack down and went out to greet her.

He was really happy to see her...he had really enjoyed that evening with her...

The kids were busy playing so took Lucy straight to his bedroom, she was just as eager as he was...

Afterwards he decided to ask Lucy to move in, he figured she could take care of the kids while he worked and warm his bed at night and she wouldn't have to worry about money again, he knew she had been living rough since her parents had died, barely making ends meet.
So he asked and she agreed to move in, with a note of relief in her voice. He was alittle surprised because he knew that Lucas Mason had been seen with her soon after Sally caught him with Nina. Not that he really cared if she had slept with Lucas unless she was knocked up by him. He had used protection both times (although he knew Lucy hadn't noticed, ya didn't have a romance sim for a brother without learning a thing or two) so he knew if she was knocked up it was by someone else and not him.

It was rather nice having her around, the kids got along with her and...

she was fun, they got into a silly pillow fight.

The next day, Sam went off to work. He told Lucy that some new furniture would arrive sometime today and to keep watch for it.
About an hour later the new furniture arrived, Lucy made sure it was put in place of the old stuff and then went outside for about half an hour. When she returned she had to comfort little Jack after washing off her dirty hands. Poor kid was pretty upset...

It took some hugs and kisses but she got him calmed down and put him in bed for a nap.

She knew he hadn't seen what she did outside...but he may have heard that womens voice...thankfully he was to young to understand much of anything.

Not long afterwards she heard someone come in the house and looked up and saw this really hott! guy walking towards her. She heard him say "Hi, I'm Steve, I just stopped over to see who Sam got to babysit for him and to see if you needed any help...if your the babysitter"
She had alittle trouble answering him at first, he was just so hott! finally she got her voice to work and told him her name and they chatted for abit...then...she flirted with him...

Well that was all it took, Steve wasn't one to waste time, he had her naked and on the sofa before you could say woohoo!

She felt like she had died and gone to heaven when he took her...she never even thought about Sam and that he would be getting home from work soon or that Joffery would be getting home from school...

She was lucky that Sam and Joffery both got home at the same time and played red hands for awhile, by the time they went into the house, she and Steve were dressed and she was changing little Jack. Thats when she discovered that Steve was Sams younger brother and Steve found out that she wasn't "just the babysitter" Steve gave her a look she couldn't decipher.
Neither of them appeared to realize that Sam had noticed the "look" and Steves small start of surprise when Sam told him about asking Lucy to move in. He knew his brother, Steve had screwed her but he didn't blame his brother, Steve wouldn't have touched Lucy if he had known she was more then just the babysitter.

He didn't say anything, he really didn't care. He didn't love Lucy, to him she was just the live in sitter that also warmed his bed and was fun to have around. He'd have to remember to fill his brother in later, Steve would enjoy playing with her and would probably knock her up since he usually forgot to use protection...well it was more like Steve just didn't bother to use it anymore unless the girl asked.
When Steve said he had to leave, Sam gave him a hug goodbye and Steve quietly told him where Nina was living now. Her and her sister had bought a house just around the corner...
The brothers knew each other very well, Steve knew his brother knew about Lucy and didn't care, which meant she was fair game, so of course Steve didn't hold back the information about Nina and her sister.
Steve then told his brother about his and Honeys mutual breakup, he knew his brother had been eyeing her, now she was also fair game if Sam wanted to play.

Shortly after Steve left, Sam told Lucy that he was going out for awhile and left...
Lucy took care of the kids and thought about what had happened with Steve...she would have to be real careful so Sam wouldn't guess. She knew though that if Steve wanted her again she wouldn't be able to say no, just as she couldn't say no to Sam. She then laughed at herself an thought that the Broke Brothers had really turned her life upside down...

next chapter we find out whats been going on at Nina and Dinas new house and Sissy gets settled into her dorm.