Alan Foster and Hester York decided to get a house together.

They still love each other...and have 2 bolts for each other...

Alan asked Hester to marry him. He hoped she would forget all about the 3 bolts she has for Reggie Bishop...

They kept busy skilling until the welcome wagon showed up.

They were happy to meet some of their new neighbors and had a nice visit.

although Alan was rather shocked when Charlie Broke made a move on his sister-in-law...

He was glad when she told Charlie "no way, I'm married" (heh)

Hester had gotten a phone call...from Reggie...they talked for quite some time...

Josie suddenly ran for the bathroom... Josie and Charlie both left a few minutes later.

Alan and Hester decided to try out their new bed...

Alan then asked Hester to marry him...

They didn't have enough money to waste on a wedding arch or party but it didn't matter to them at all..

Tom Mallory bought a house and asked Zoey Zeno to move in with him. He told her she would have to wear dresses and be his hostess for the partys he planned to have.

Zoey is hoping he will ask her to marry him but he has no desire to get married, atleast not at this time. (she has the "want" but he dosen't)

Why buy the cow...

They unpacked and kept busy until the welcome wagon showed up.

Tom really has only one thing on his mind...

Zoey had a nice chat with Charlie...

After their company left, they danced for awhile.

Then Tom wanted to break in another sofa...

maybe they have a chance...

They spent somemore time dancing until it was time for bed.

Next chapter, the forgotten sim moves in *laughs*