Stacy found a nice little house of her own.

She got unpacked and then danced until the welcome wagon showed up. She got along pretty good with Josie Broke and

Charlie Broke (the stupid townie was sent on his way very quickly)

While Josie was dancing, things were heating up between Charlie and Stacy...

Stacy showed Charlie her bedroom and things got even hotter...

They both found it a very rewarding experience...

heh, like soul mates (if you believe in such a thing)

Afterwards they hung out in the bedroom for awhile...

then Stacy finally said goodbye to Josie *laughs* and then fixed some hamburgers...

They played reds hands for abit...

and then explored each other some more...

After Charlie left Stacy cleaned up the rest of the hamburgers... (they actually woohooed 3 times but I was trying to keep the amount of pictures down)

Reggie Bishop thought he would be getting a place with Stacy but found a note waiting for him at the FamilyBin Hotel saying she found a place for herself and hoped he would find a nice place too. He did find a slightly bigger home that he was very pleased with, it has plenty of room for a family.

He got unpacked and stuff before the welcome wagon showed up...

(the stupid townie was sent on his way right away)
Kelly went right inside to dance but that was ok, Reggie was really happy to meet Josie...

and Josie seemed pleased to meet him...

ahhh...Josie your married remember!

Suddenly Reggie went inside and joined Kelly on the sofa... Josie followed him and...

watched him woohoo Kelly...

She must have really enjoyed the view because she flirted with him as soon as he stood up and got dressed ...

she seems to have developed a crush on him...

Kelly and Josie then played "pass Reggie back and forth" for awhile, thankfully the phone rang, it was Stacy wanting to meet Reggie Downtown. Reggie said good bye to Josie and Kelly and headed off.

Reggie and Stacy danced for a while but then...

Charlie Broke showed up and started dancing with Stacy... (numerous other Brokes also made an appearance)

Things happened and Reggie caught Stacy & Charlie doing more then dancing, twice...

Reggie ended up getting in a fight with Charlie (he lost, thats why he looks so sad)
and Stacy met Steve Broke...

next chapter, the others get moved in.