The forgotten sim moves into a nice house (made 7 sims in Bodyshop and forgot to make this male into a YA so he could go to Uni with the other 6)

Meet Lucifer Ozz, a romance sim...

Lucifer was all unpacked by the time the welcome wagon showed up...

He talked baseball with Charlie for a while.

they got along pretty good.

Then he played darts with Josie.

They also got along pretty well.


He got along very well with Zoey...

She thought he was pretty damn hot...

He gave her a backrub...

and chatted somemore with Charlie and then said goodbye to Charlie and


After Zoey and Charlie left, he gave Josie his undivided attention... (I had intended to have him say goodbye to her after letting them play darts for awhile)

crush... (Josie, your married remember!)

Josie quite liked the attention Lucifer was giving her...

before she knew it, he had her out of her clothes and on the sofa...

heh, like I said before, family sims are just as bad as romance sims...

Lucifer seems to be thinking about doing her again... (I changed the wallpaper since the other was a bit too dark)

He certainly seemed very interested in...

making out with her...

(hopefully Marcus dosen't catch her cheating...I doubt he'd be very happy about it)
After flirting with her a bit more, Lucifer said goodbye.

random pic of the hood, shows all my occupied lots *laughs*

Next chapter, we see whats happening with Marcus and Josie Broke.