Once he got home, Steve got settled in, his mom (Alberta) had redone one of the extra bedrooms for him. Steve decided to invite Honey over for alittle fun, maybe he could get her to stay for awhile.

Honey came right over and Steve met her outside at the mailbox. She looked so hot that he grabbed her and gave her a kiss and then...

He dragged her into the livingroom for some fun, his mom and sister-in-law were upstairs cleaning so he knew they wouldn't be disturbed for awhile. Honey was as into it as he was and they had a blast. He really liked how willing she was to woohoo just about anywhere and anytime.

Later on, Susan potty trained Joffery (she hated dirty diapers) and then taught him to talk.

and Stephanie went off to Uni.

It hit Bobby hard, his baby girl was leaving the nest.

Sam, Susan and Joffery got alittle family time in the kitchen, it was such a busy house that it was hard to get anytime alone with each other.

Joffery seems to enjoy playing with the familys old teddy bear, it's abit worn after being Sams, Steves and then Stephanies.

Sam decided to get to know Honey better.

He seems to be having trouble keeping his eyes off her. Hey Sam! go look at your wife! I know it's difficult not to look at what Honey enjoys showing off but still...

heh, Don of course had to welcome Honey...

Steve seems to be enjoying having Honey around all the time, bet you can guess why...


Honey was telling Steve a dirty joke when Sam and Susan came in to chat with them... Ah, Sam? your wife is watching you...

well we all know what this means...

and another rugrat is born!

Sam holds his new son Jack, while Alberta and Susan talk about baby stuff. Steve tells Honey how hot she is...

Which resulted in Steve and Honey downstairs on the couch again...

Steve decided to chat with his sister-in-law, He seems to getting along with her.

Sam talked Susan into some afternoon fun. Remember you are Not family sims!

Looks like all that risky woohooing caught up with Honey. Honey decides to try an hide it and get to a doctor ASAP! She dosen't want any kids and she is pretty sure Steve dosen't either...

Sam tells Honey how hot she is... Honey is quite pleased to be admired...but then she suddenly runs to the bathroom.

Bobby happens to notice and decided to check on her since she forgot to close the bathroom door (well she was in a hurry). Seeing Honey puking her guts out, Bobby put two and two together really quick and goes to have a talk with Steve...

Or should I say he put his foot down and demanded Steve marry Honey now! Family is of course everything to Bobby. Steve tried to get out of it but then realized he had no choice. He had no money and hadn't bothered to get a job yet, didn't even want one...

After Bobby spoke to Honey, she realized that she had no choice either...She could just take off but she had no money, she had just gotten a job but hadn't started yet and they could and would hire people to look for her...just for the kid...and then she would be tossed out like a piece of trash.
So Steve and Honey did as they were told...

even though they really hated doing it... (Honey was wearing a nice dress but then her carpool showed up and she spun before I could stop her - note: remember to not have weddings when the bride or groom have to work! - atleast I caught her before she left)

The party was a real roof rasier though, Stephanie came and Norma (a dormie friend) and some of the Masons...

Susan enjoyed talking to Joseph and Sarah...

Joseph couldn't just let things be, he had to start a fight...he really hates Bobby...thankfully the fight didn't ruin the party and Joseph left to go home shortly after. (I have no clue who won)

Honey is not thrilled with the changes to her body...

For some reason she invited Sam to lay on the bed and chat with her...

Thankfully Sam left (heh, I made Sam stop relaxing, he stood up and his wife invited him to join her on their bed) when they heard Steve return from getting the alarm installed in his new hotrod...the hotrod his dad bought him as a wedding gift *cough*bribe*cough* Steve went to join Honey on their bed...he had only one thing on his mind now that he had the alarm set...

really I wasn't kidding... Steve dosen't mind the changes in Honeys figure, men are usually proud of having knocked up a girl and the belly is the proof that they did. Maybe its one of those "look what I did" things ;)

in the next chapter we visit the Masons