Steve didn't want to do assignments or nasty term papers. He just wanted to woohoo and he quickly found himself a hot girl and set about charming her.

Didn't take him long to charm her right into his bed.

Sally got swept off her feet by a guy named Lucas, didn't take her long before she was in bed with him.

Dancing is an important skill at Uni.

Steve is an excellent dancer and it looks like Honey isn't to bad either. Since dancing also increases fitness, it didn't take long for Honey to become as fit as Steve. Apparently they are both turned-on by fitness and gained that 3rd bolt for each other. Sally is also a excellent dancer and enjoys dancing with Lucas and it's good excercise for her with all the studing she feels the need to do.

heh, looks like Honey is smart enough to do assignments. Steve still hasn't bothered to do any assignments or term papers but atleast he goes to class.

Sally does her term papers and assignments...I wonder if she does Steves when no one is looking.

Steve and Lucas get along pretty good, thankfully they chose to play chess...Steve isn't "as dumb as a post" but he really needs to gain more logic.

A some point during a party, Steve asked Honey to marry him... Atleast that is what he was told when they all woke up, he swears to Never drink that much again! He is glad that being engaged dosen't mean he has to marry her. He dosen't ever want to get married, just get plenty of woohoo! Honey seemed just as upset as he was so he wonders why she said yes...course she had been drinking too. He didn't dare suggest they end it though, girls can be really touchy about stuff like that. She got over being upset real quick though, wonder if she remembered that the Broke family has plenty of money...

Sally and Lucas became engaged and they were both happy about it!

Sally is all finished with Uni. She passed with an A+ and highest honors/deans list thing but thats no surprise.

As she heads for the taxi, she thinks about being on the deans list and having finally finished her schooling, she won't stop learning though. Knowledge is everything!

After having a private party with Honey, Steve calls the taxi.

He looks forward to returning home and doing nothing for awhile, he knew he passed but after the nights fun he had with Honey, he was to tired and hungover to remember if he got an A or A+ and he thought there was something about some list.

in the next chapter, Steve returns home and...