Steve showed up while Sarah was dancing, he had a key so he let himself in as usual.

He was rather surprised when she ran to the bathroom...

He was very pleased when he realized she was pregnant with his child(again) and after she had refreshed herself and they cleaned up the bathroom, he carried her into the livingroom.

and showed her just how pleased he was, he also really liked her new mini skirt...

He had to leave shortly afterwards but Sarah didn't mind to much since she had the twins to take care of and was feeling rather tired anyway.

She went to bed early that night.

and awoke feeling better and bigger...

Steve showed up again.

And the Keegan became a toddler

and so did his twin brother Kamil (of course)

Steve helped Sarah to potty train them and teach them to talk and walk.

After putting the twins to bed they had some fun and then fell alseep, it had been a busy day for both of them.

They were woke up a short time later by the burgler alarm! thankfully the cops showed up right away

and took the thief away.

Steve decided to stay the rest of the night. He didn't want to leave Sarah and his boys alone with a broken lock on the front door.

They both enjoyed spending time together the next morning with each other and the boys. Sarahs belly had grown during the night. Poor Steve got kicked all night since Sarah had slept with her arm around him and her belly pressed up against his back.

Steve had to say goodbye before noon, he promised to return the next day.

Next in line - we see whats happening at Nina and Dinas house