What a way to start the day...

Later that day, little Jack became a child.

Sam still enjoys having Lucy around...

Sam still insists it ain't his kid but tells Lucy not to worry, he won't just throw her out on the street... He certainly wouldn't do that if it's his brothers kid.

Joffrey and Jack get along really good.

Steve stopped over while on one of his "walks"

The brothers played some red hands, wonder if they are taking bets on whos kid it is...

Steve enjoyed some time with Lucy but we don't need to see that again, specially since they used the sofa while Sam played the piano...Sam should have told them to Get A Room!!

Most evenings Lucy spent with just Joffrey and Jack, Sam usually "went out" and didn't return till late.

He wasn't home when Lucy went into labor... just whos kid is it? Does Sam protest to much? Is it Steves? or is Lucas the father?

We will find out next time... *laughs*
Next in line - Sarah Masons house