WTF is She doing Here!!

yup Crumplebutt showed up at Brandi Brokes house (Don lives there now too - redid the house cause I hated it facing the wrong way) in Pleasantview...Not downtown :jaw:
She came running in and slapped Don silly with her purse cause he had the nerve to kiss Brandi in their home :banghead:
she should never have shown up because:
1, she is banned from every lot automatically (by TJs visitor controller thingy)
2, this house isn't Downtown (or a commercial lot - if that matters)
I know I made my downtownies into regular townies but I didn't touch Crumplebutt!
As you can see, Don is pissed but he couldn't tell her to leave(wasn't an option when clicking on her) he took Brandi off to have alittle casual woohoo in their bed...and I very quickly spawned the "Deleter" and deleted crumplebutt :lol:
shortly before this I had to "select age - adult" (using InSim) for Don cause according to TJs CR adjuster, Don was -42 days old :jaw: hell I knew he wasn't aging properly but I didn't guess he was that young of an adult :duh: alittle while afterwards crumplebutt showed up and then a few times later that night a few walkbys gave the pop up message about it being so late and they better get home :blink: so I have no clue WTF is suddenly going on with this Lot...
O and child Beaus ghost decided to scare the shit out of Don, Brandi and Bobby and woke up the baby (toddler) that night also. Now I had already deleted his damn tombstone but it was back so I had to delete it again... (it was in a backcorner of the lot that I couldn't see from the front)
ya so the Brokes weren't so boring this evening :lol: now I just have to check Don in Simpe cause him and Brandi do not have the "propose" option and I might decide to have them get married before Brandi dies (she [i]is[/i] 10 days from elder now and he has 29 days) He might still be tagged as married to Cassandra, which has been happening lately even though I have JMs fix.
heres Bobby telling Patty all about Beau scaring him

Bobby is the "3rd Broke boy" and Patty is the daughter of Brandi and Don, wish I had gotten better pics of them. The game decided to give Patty the same pjs as Bobby. Brandi and Don don't have enough money to waste so "child size" pjs are out :rolleyes:
Now that Don is living there and works, they are slowly being able to buy better furniture. So far the kids rooms are coming along nicely and Brandi and Don got a nicer kitchen table & chairs and better chairs to sit on while playing chess.
I think Don caused the bugginess since it all started after I fixed his age, if it gets worse then I'll move them. I don't care for that corner lot anyway and I can't move it to where I want (farther down the street) because it is a "corner lot" (which really surprised me the first time I tried moving it)
OK, I built Brandi and Don Broke (yup I made them get married) and the kids (of course) a new bigger house on a much bigger lot (plenty of room for more sims and pets!) and moved them in. No bugs so far :lol: Bobby is now a teenager and has already been chatting up Dina C, she happened to come visit the evening Bobby got his B-day cake (her and her sister Nina are very good friends with Don and Brandi)
I took pics of the new house but I'm to tired to sort them out and upload them tonight (if anyone is interested in seeing the house I'll post them tomorrow)
heres the outside, I hate how the roofs end up higher then the house so I made the back part of the roof flat so the front roof looks better :unsure:

heres the inside, sorry its difficut to see I thought I took one when I was more zoomed in (which I probably did do but to quick and the game lost it - it's happened before)

heres the family having hotdogs (theres a outside door next to the fridge with a grill nearby) They were were discussing the birds and the bees I guess... You can atleast see part of the kitchen & part of Brandi and Dons bedroom

and just before the wedding

They get better furniture/wallpaper/flooring as they have the money (the kids rooms got redone first, then I had to change Bobbys abit when he became a teen - teens don't really want racecar beds lol) They now have a driveway but no car yet.
Theres a empty room between the two bathrooms, it will eventually be a nursery for the next gen (unless Don remarries after Brandi croaks or he gets abducted by aliens, I was nice and gave him a shiny telescope)
I'll try to get better inside pics when I play again. I furnished the lot when I built it - with the basics for a family - and then stuck it in the bin and then re-placed it in town so I can use copys of the lot for another family if I need to. I hate having to furnish a house (or add on to it/change it) the minute a family moves in to it.
Heres Patty as a teenager, just chilin on the swing

Bobby went to Uni and graduated, returned home and married Alberta (she was a dormie) Brandi aged to elder during Bobby and Albertas wedding party - first freakin wedding party I have thrown since getting TS2 and
I forgot to take pictures!!

Heres Patty and Alberta dancing in the "new" kitchen. I had to spend some of the money Bobby came home with, Alberta brought money when she moved in to. I almost took it but decided it was time to redecorate and divide the living room and kitchen, also added 2 more bedrooms. The nursery (done in a cute Tigger theme) also had to be done since Alberta is now expecting :rolleyes:

Don and Brandi decided to hang out,
in their underwear, on the sidewalk...

Dons birthday (letting him age was alot harder then I expected it to be) I had Don and Brandi paint pictures of each other and stuck them over their bed for the time being.
Don and Brandi having cake with Bobby in the background along with Patty and you can see part of Alberta (in her underwear of course) off to the side.

The house gets bigger and better looking. Can't see it here but I also added another driveway and let Bobby buy the cheapest car. The family is now down to about 15,000 and Bobby got a job.

Patty went off to Uni shortly after Don aged...ya I forgot to take a pic after I got her settled in...
I had to do some adjusting of ages or Brandi would have been dead of old age before Bobbi even made it to Uni. I decided to age Don up to only a few days younger then Brandi but it was difficult, I would have loved to have kept him around forever as a vampire but I didn't want him fathering more kids.
of course he still has about 10 days before he croaks so he may sweet talk Alberta into bed but I'm letting twojeffs ACR handle that. Right now he is still all over Brandi and Alberta is pregnant so I doubt it will happen.
I was originally gonna have Bobby marry Dina (2 bolts) (his first kiss and woohoo were with Dina) but he ended up having 3 bolts for Nina (I had changed her to Knowledge before he even met her) then he met Alberta(2 bolts but now 3) and they really hit it off and he forgot all about Dina and Nina...
We thought it best Not to invite either of them to the wedding.
Brandi and Don are close to dying now...
Alberta is pregnant with her and Bobbys 3rd kid (two boys so far, Sam and Steve)
Patty finished Uni and married Joseph, They have a daughter named Sally. Joseph wants another but Patty hasn't gotten pregnant again.
drama - Patty invited Dina to her wedding party...not sure who did what but I saw Alberta slapping Bobby silly for cheatin...That lead to all kinds of drama with them hating each other and Alberta sleeping with Don (see he got a taste of her after all) and Bobby wanting to see Albertas ghost :blink: finally I used InSIM to fix their relationship...since it was my fault Patty invited Dina over...
more drama - Alberta and Joseph have 3 bolts for each other...thankfully twojeffs ACR has a setting for "spouse only" or Alberta and Joseph would be in deep shit with their spouses.
It's been really funny to watch them turn each other down for what they both want really bad :lol: At some point I will remove the "spouse only" lock so I can see if they manage to have their fun without getting caught :D
if anyone is wondering, ACR is [i]Autonomous Casual Romance[/i] by twojeffs. IMHO it is truly one of the best mods to have!
Bobby and Albertas son, Sam :) I took it shortly after he became a child, thought it was pretty cute seeing him standing there holding the teddy bear.
I can't believe I didn't take pics off Sally and Steve yet! they are toddlers now and I have no babys pics (except you can see Sally in the crib behind Sam) *sigh* O well most sim babys look alike anyway.
I've changed all my skintones (went back to using the ones by Allan Akbar) so I'll have to post new pics of everyone. Patty went from "too pale" (aka fishbelly white) to a nice healthy tan :lol: I've also been working on changing Alberta, Sam and Steves eye color to green. I think I have that sorted out now(Thanks to the help I got)
I didn't think red hair and brown eyes went very well together. Steve has black hair but he ended up with his mothers brown eyes too so since they all got DNA changes he will get his moms new green eyes ;)
Sally has red hair like her daddy (Joseph) and his blue eyes.
family tree thing - since even I'm starting to get confused!
Brandi's son Bobby (the 3rd son) married Alberta, they have 2 boys so far - Sam and Steve - Alberta is expecting their 3rd child.
Brandi & Don's daughter Patty married Joseph, they have 1 daughter so far. Joseph "wants" another but Patty has not gotten pregnant (she also dosen't "want" one, atleast not right now)
They are all in one house. I'm trying out the hack Squinge did that allows 12 family members (he has another version that allows 10) I always ended up with way to many simkids when using lotfullofsims
Bobby Broke
His wife, Alberta Broke (with her nice green eyes)

Bobbys half sister, Patty Broke Mason

Pattys husband, Joseph
Sam Broke, Sally Mason and Steve Broke

Stephanie Broke *cough* gave Brandi and Bobby a blond recessive gene *cough*

(sorry no pic of the baby, Sarah Mason)
Alberta crying,
Will she ever get to love Joseph openly?
Apparently Joseph and Alberta couldn't take it anymore and they got caught kissing by Josephs wife Patty. I have no clue who started it (and it's been so much fun watching those two) (they were upstairs and I was downstairs at the time)
I took pity on them and removed the ACR "spouse only" lock (certainly didn't stop that kiss) and took the two of them off to a community lot (as a group) They woohooed in the photobooth as soon as they got there *laughs*
How long they will be able to hide their affair from Albertas husband Bobby? What will Patty do when she stops ignoring everyone? Is Patty even ok, has she lost her mind? all she does is play the piano...
more! :) I'm not much of a story teller goes
Oh Joseph, I just can't make myself say no anymore.

How can I love two guys so much! I love you Bobby.
I love you too Alberta

damn, I hate throwing up! I wonder if I'm pregnant again
Oh Shit! shit shit shit what if Joseph is the father? Bobby and Patty will kill us! Patty is just starting to forgive him
we have some really cool fish!

Alberta is something wrong? you seem awfully tense, usually when your pregnant your really happy...
no no everything is fine, of course I'm happy to be having another baby

I wonder what is going on, Alberta just seems really worried about this baby... Oh I'm sure everything is ok, just prenatal nerves

damn! I can't help but hope the baby is mine, hmmm it's a good thing we both have red hair, Bobby and Patty need never know if the baby is mine. I always wanted a really large family but Patty hasn't gotten pregnant again. If Patty dosen't let me back into our bed soon I'm gonna have to find a way to get Alberta alone for awhile, I get hot just thinking about her.
Isn't she beautiful? We will name her Sissy s
he has the most beautiful eyes, they remind me so much of...nah a lot of babys have blue eyes and they change as they get to be toddlers...don't they?
Bobby: one in my family ever had blue eyes as far as I know
If she cheated on me with Joseph...I wonder...Patty never did tell me why she was so mad at Joseph before...If she saw Alberta and Joseph together wouldn't she have told me? no she wouldn't and I bet she did catch them, the cheating fuckers...I'll fuckin kill them both if I find out Sissy is His!
Alberta why does Sissy have blue Joseph?
Oh honey, alot of babys have blue eyes when they are born, hers will change as she gets to be a toddler, I'm sure they will turn gray like yours
You better hope they change my dear because if you cheated on me with Him...

OMG he knows! he knows and he is gonna kill us Joseph, I just know it! her eyes will change won't they? most babys have blue eyes...

Oh Babe, don't worry so much. I'm sure her eyes will change, although part of me likes the thought of her being mine and I'd like to have more with you and more Of You, you make me soooo damn hot

She looks so much like Joseph, I guess they didn't stop like they promised instead they went farther... How long has this been going on? Has my whole marriage been a sham?

Why does it hurt so much? Why do I still love him?

Your so stupid Alberta, How Could You? Joseph is Sissy father, isn't he? Answer me damn you!
Of course he isn't! How dare you ask me that!

brief pause to admire the stars (in the back is Sam and Sarah, front row is Sally then Steve and Stephanie

maybe if I get pregnant he won't leave me for her
about freakin time, thought I would explode if I didn't get some soon

You fucked my wife Didn't you?
Now why would you think that Bobby? Alberta would never cheat on you! alot of babys have blue eyes, give it time and they'll change I hope

To Be Cont....
House pics! (aren't you excited?)

your such a cutie Sissy

Sissy looks like we better start packing cause with those blue eyes, you are certainly my daughter and your Uncle Bobby is not going to be very happy.

Steve Broke:
Sally your a great dance partner

Sally Mason:
why thank you Steve, your a great dance partner too

[b]Meanwhile at a Uni dorm house, Sam Broke gets settled in[/b]

I love my job! Bobby can't do anything but kick me out and he won't dare hurt Alberta *insert laughter*
Not with every cop in PV ready to kick the shit out of him just for breathing *insert more laughter*

[b]a few days/years later[/b] (time is strange in the sim world) [b]Bobby was ignoring Sissy and what her blue eyes meant cause he had no [i]real[/i] proof that Alberta cheated on him and dna test take time.[/b]
You went for a ride too Patty? are you crazy? You left them alone together?!!!
I'm sorry I didn't think about it, the kids were still here when I left!
oooooooops (they were all over each other the min their spouses left the house)
Bobby screams:
WTF do you think your doing? (well doh!)
pack and get the hell out of my house tonight!!!!
What am I suppose to do with you? How can I ever trust you again?
later that day, Stephanie becomes a teen (and apparently she has one of my tattooed skintones)
and Sissy becomes a child
Bobby catches Sam outside alone, what he said is unprintable
a fight breaks out
Joseph kicks Bobbys ass
The movers have come an gone and it's time for Joseph and all 3 of his kids and his very angry wife Patty to leave
Why? Why did they have to come home right then?! They ruined everything!!!
I ought to throw your ass out on the street!
Oh Please Bobby! Please forgive me! Please don't throw me out!
he might hate her but he will still...
Looks like they will make up and repair their whats happening with the Masons?
(due to stupid Maxis mondays, I had to add two extra days to their lives so that on Weds they would be in sync with the Brokes again)
The Masons get to their new house (which is right next door) and get settled in, Joseph goes off to work and shortly after that the welcoming committee shows up...Nina C. (forget how to spell it) (Dinas sister) (and ya she was the only one to show up to welcome them lol )
Nina decided to play chess while Patty and two of the girls danced, Sarah played the piano(she is becoming quite good at it). Joseph came home from work and decided to play chess with Nina...a short while later they apparently decided to play doctor
Joseph then said goodbye to Nina and everyone went to bed (it was rather late by then) Patty refused to share a bed with Joseph so she slept with Sarah, Joseph wasn't about to sleep on the couch in the expensive house he just bought.
The next day, the girls went off to school and Patty was feeling abit she made a booty call to her old Uni flame Justin and...
they went upstairs within mins of Justin arriving
Not good since Joseph was off work that day and is rather possesive[/b] (he seems to be a typical, you aren't allowed to cheat but I can type of guy) [b]Justin quickly left and Joseph and Patty started arguing
Joseph started to get rough
too rough
then Joseph totally "lost it"
Newsflash! The PV Police ruled the death of the PVs Super Hero's wife to be a suicide! Charitys will work together to help our poor hero in his time of need!
later that day Nina came over to console Joseph
but was then assulted by a passing man
a man who appeared to be a very good friend of hers
Bobby Broke appears to know Nina too well for a married man, granted he knows Ninas sister Dina quite well indeed but...that was a long time ago, before he married Alberta...wasn't it?
aaaa...lets play "pass around the Nina" shall we
Shortly afterwards, volenteers showed up to do some landscaping for "their Super Hero, in his time of need"
That evening Joseph spent some quality time with his daughters before they all went off to bed.
please excuse all the spelling mistakes and stuff...
These two familys wear me out!
Most of what happened in this part was unplanned and most of the pictures were "lucky shots" but then I did take [b]alot[/b] of pics *laughs*
Nina was Never invited over, neither was Bobby, they just showed up. Bobby actually spent one night watching the Masons fish swim around their tank...while the family slept.
Patty made the booty call (I love ACR) all be herself, none were "told" to woohoo or kiss or anything.
I also didn't make Joseph and Patty argue or fight. (I just assisted with the death part and only because they were enemies by then)
heres 1 pic of the house
I'll take better ones soon :) I had to give them money (I just think of it as them taking their share of the household funds with them - which reminds me I have to remove that amount from the Brokes) so they could buy it but I didn't give them much extra so they will have to earn more money to decorate it with paintings and stuff.