Note 1: this should be a later chapter but I don't know if I will ever get the first part redone. I would like too. If I do, the beginning parts will be labelled "backstory" and Chapter 1. I think that will work since at the beginning a "ongoing story" wasn't planned
Note 2: I have alot of hacks but one that is major to this story is ACR (working name since it's still in beta testing) it stands for Autonomous Casual Romance. and it is by twojeffs. It can be found at MATY
Chapter 2, Sam Broke at Uni...
Sam is trying to decide what his major will be

Sam is all about fortune but he isn't about to pass up alittle fun, Tracey seems to get around so she may be romance, she is a dormie that lives in his dorm.

It seemed like Tracey was gonna be Sams future wife but then he met Susan, they really hit it off and Sam "wanted" to do lots of stuff with her while also keeping up on his term papers and assignments.

I wonder what he was writing about in his journal...he certainly dosen't want anyone peeking!

For awhile Sam was rather busy with term papers and assignments and going to class and didn't get to see much of Susan but once he had some free time he decided to make a booty call to her.

They didn't make it to the bedroom...instead they had woohooed on the bench outside (shame on them!) (new ACR feature -They are lucky they are at Uni, if they were doing that at home in Pleasantview, Susan could get pregnant)

Sam and Susan really like each other..

two of the dormies that share the dorm with Sam, decided to have alittle fun...Get A Room!!

Did I mention Sam and Susan really like each other?

Sam wanted to "pop the question" and Susan was very happy to accept!

Don't look! their celebrating!

I bet you looked anyway!
Sam makes "the call"to return to PV. He did very well, his grades put him in the top of his class, on the deans list.

next chapter coming very soon...