Will they make it all the way through Uni as a couple?
After claiming their rooms, Kelly and Marcus decided to have a little fun before doing anything else...

Marcus decided to change his hairstyle and grow some facial hair ;)

Kelly was happy with how she looked but then she dosen't have to worry about looking too much like her family, unlike Marcus.

Not long after getting settled in with classes and declaring majors, Marcus "wanted" to propose to Kelly, she said yes of course.

ahhh Marcus? that isn't Kelly (Kelly is at class) ...

uhhhh...Kelly? Thats not Marcus... (Marcus is at class)

awwwwwwwww how sweet, maybe theres still hope!

Get a Room! although the dormie girl seems to be enjoying watching...

They both "wanted" to have a pillow fight (no fish pillows here!)

I guess pillow fights are a new kind of foreplay...


A number of the girls in the dorm seem to like Marcus...and he seems to like the attention...

uhh ya...like I said...

oh dear...


Kelly is NOT happy...

She pitched a fit and he saw stars...

She broke up with him... (the only one Kelly hates more then Marcus at this point is that dormie girl. Marcus didn't like being slapped AT ALL and now hates Kelly)

What? I didn't screw her?

Now here I figured Marcus would catch Kelly cheating and would be the one that flipped his lid, he is a family sim after all. Kelly is a Pleasure sim and is apparently a jealous one...)
It wasn't long before Marcus had a dormie girl all over him...

So they had a date...and both "wanted" to have a pillow fight...

Are pillow fights foreplay for young adults? *laughs*

ahhh Marcus you really don't know where that dormie girl has been...

Kelly was having some fun with a dormie also...

continued in the next chapter...