At Sam Brokes house...
Sam and Ninas daughter became a toddler.

Kelly Lothario-Mason-Sharp had come for a visit after school, it was pretty late when she left for home.

Then next day Joffery Broke had a "Oh Shit!" moment!

He was mourned by all who knew him, including the dogs.

Later that night Nina was scared to death...she was also mourned by everyone...

Then for some odd reason Dina suddenly choose to show Jack a few new games... (I was NOT expecting this!)

It was decided that Sarah Critter (ha! I remembered her name this time!) and her 3 pups would go to the pound to get adopted.

little Heather loves her doggy. (cuteness!)

Danny Critter is a great family dog. (cuteness!)

At Sissy Masons house...
Dirk Dreamer was using the telescope and laughing for some reason...

Kelly became a teen...and is one of those lucky few who look nice in almost all of the EA hairstyles.

Sissy and Bianca were watching tv (Dirk was at work)

They never noticed that Steve Broke came for a visit... Steve thought Kelly was pretty hot...

So he popped her cherry...

and for some odd reason Kelly tried to start arguing with him the moment they got out of the bed...he told her to knock it off.

She was fine after that and Steve left shortly afterwards.

ahhhhh...Steve left so whats this? (I was Not expecting this either!)

That slimy dirtbag! Dirk apparently returned home from work and decided to he wanted a bit of fun with Kelly also...Why didn't he woohoo with Sissy? (his "One")

Marcus Broke came over for a visit the next day after school...looks like they like each other...

ahhh ya I guess so... (I just love ACR!)

One thing lead to another... (how come they never look happy or pleased when they get done?)

and Kelly gets out of bed afterwards and starts to argue with Marcus ??? Oh, thats right, Kelly only has 1 nice point... Marcus dosen't seem impressed...

to be continued in chapter 36, part 2 of 4